3.6 Wasp Nests

The WaspBane wasp trap is not designed to eradicate wasp nests and is not a substitute for calling out a professional pest controller where a wasp nest needs treating because it is a threat to human health.

Interestingly, if the WaspBane wasp trap is placed next to a wasp nest it is unlikely to catch a single wasp. The reason for this rests with wasp behaviour. Wasps will not feed in the vicinity of their nest so as not to attract predators to the nest. Therefore, if the WaspBane wasp trap is placed next to a wasp nest, the wasps from that nest will ignore the trap. The WaspBane wasp trap may still be attractive to wasps from other nests but the sentries from the closest wasp nest will chase these other wasps away. Please therefore don’t be surprised if you do not catch any wasps if you place the WaspBane wasp trap next to a wasp nest.


Comparatively few people are stung around wasp nests. The vast majority of people are stung by nuisance wasps around food. Treating wasp nests at the wrong time of year may create more nuisance wasps and therefore increase the risk of being stung around food. Where wasp nests are treated before they have matured, then the WaspBane wasp trap should be used to protect against nuisance wasps.

Given that there can be as many as 1,000 wasp nests per square mile and given that wasps can fly 2 miles to find food, then there can be as many as 12,500 wasp nests contributing wasps to a nuisance wasp problem. Eradicating the odd nest will not therefore solve a nuisance wasp problem around food.

The WaspBane wasp trap is not a substitute for nest eradication. If you have a wasp nest which poses a threat to human health then the nest should be treated by a professional pest controller.

If you become aware of a wasp nest but the nest is not a threat to human health then we respectfully ask that you leave the nest alone. Wasps are an important and beneficial insect and more importantly, you won’t be creating more nuisance wasps. Thank you!